You Disappoint Me Yet Again Starscream

The name or term Starscream refers to more than one grapheme or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Starscream (disambiguation).

Starscream is a hero on the wrong side. Over the centuries, he'southward come up to believe both Optimus and Megatron have lost sight of what is best for the Cybertronian race, and simply pursue their own agendas. At some point, he came to the decision that, for the good of the species, a new leader must sally, and he would exist that leader. Nevertheless, over time, he became every bit corrupt in his own way every bit Megatron, although he prefers subtlety and charade to Megatron's brute force. At present, what may once accept been noble goals are buried under layers of cocky-interest, transforming Starscream into that which he supposedly despised.

"Starscream expresses his life philosophy to Megatron"
―Not to telephone call you a coward, Master, but sometimes cowards do survive.
Chinese proper name (Mandarin): Hong-zhi Zhu (红蜘蛛, "Reddish Spider")/ Xing Xiao (星啸,"Star 'Scream'")
Chinese proper name (Taiwan): Tīen-wáng Hsīng (天王星, "Planet Uranus")
Hungarian proper noun: Üstökös ("Comet")
Hungarian name (Transformers (Titan Magazine) simply): Csillagsikoly ("Starcream")


  • 1 Fiction
    • 1.1 Defiance prequel comics
      • one.1.1 Ghosts of Yesterday prequel novel
      • one.1.2 Sector Seven Alternate Reality Game
      • 1.i.3 Prime Directive prequel comic
    • i.ii Transformers Movie Prequel comic
    • 1.3 Transformers (2007 pic)
    • i.4 Titan Magazines
    • one.5 The Reign of Starscream
    • Transformers: The Game
      • 1.half-dozen.i Autobot campaign
      • 1.6.2 Decepticon campaign
    • 1.7 Transformers: Decepticons (DS)
    • 1.viii Transformers: The Game (PSP)
    • ane.9 Alliance prequel comic
    • i.10 Revenge of the Fallen picture show
    • 1.11 Revenge of the Fallen: The Game
      • 1.11.ane Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Autobots (DS)
      • 1.11.ii Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Decepticons (DS)
    • one.12 Dark of the Moon pic
      • i.12.ane Age of Extinction film
      • 1.12.2 The Last Knight film
  • ii Dark of the Moon video game
  • iii Toys
    • 3.1 Transformers (2007)
    • 3.two Revenge of the Fallen
    • 3.3 Dark of the Moon
  • 4 Merchandise
    • 4.1 Robot Heroes
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 References
  • 7 External links


Disobedience prequel comics

Before the war, Starscream was a Commander in the Cybertronian Defense Strength and, who seemed to as well take command over Captain Ironhide (to guess by his attitude) and the overall command of Lord Protector Megatron. Using his powerful starship mode, he patrolled for calorie-free years around Cybertron, locating and on occasion clearing dangers before they reached his home planet. It was Starscream who reported to the Lord Protector and Optimus of repeatedly come across hostile lookout man ships in the nearby nebula. When these hostile aliens attacked Cybertron, Starscream led the air assault against their fighter craft and afterwards led mop up operations afterward Megatron retired, injured from the battleground. Defiance issue 1

Like a Vast Predatory Bird...

When Megatron ordered a full assault against the alien fleet, Starscream joined him, leading his Seeker brothers in devastating attacks confronting their foe. As the battle drew to a shut he was given the task of finishing off the command transport and all inside, and became the first being, privy to Megatron's plans for authorisation. Disobedience event 2

Starscream was put in charge of Megatron'south plan to capture Optimus (now Optimus Prime). While the initial surprise attack proved quite successful, the followup was much less and so, with Starscream getting flattened by Prime number. Defiance issue iii

Ghosts of Yesterday prequel novel

Starscream had ascended to Decepticon leadership in the absenteeism of their former lord, and though he had to seemed to acquit on the long search for the lost Megatron and the All Spark to keep his position as leader, his greatest hope was that Megatron would NEVER be institute. Some loyal Decepticons, especially Blackout, strongly suspected this and sought to frustrate Starscream'southward species-serving plans. Battlement centrolineal him, simply it is unknown what he actually thought. Bonecrusher hated him. Frenzy and Scorponok'due south opinions are unknown, but Frenzy's a complete lunatic and nobody cared what the pet little guy idea. During a search of an abandoned solar system, the Nemesis came across a vessel that bore a resemblance to Megatron's alternate mode. Starscream went to investigate it, intending to destroy information technology. After chasing off Bumblebee, he communicated with the creatures aboard the vessel, who called themselves humans. Starscream claimed that his people once lived with the Autobots, and that their treacherous leader, Optimus Prime, started a war for the All Spark. The humans told him of a robotic creature that they had found on their earth, and Starscream, recognizing information technology as Megatron, told them it was an Autobot sentry. While communicating with them, he downloaded all the data on their computers, learning that the All Spark was as well located on Earth. He offered to help the humans to render to their world if they helped Starscream's grouping assault the Autobots, hoping that Prime would destroy them and be guilt-stricken in the process. The humans attacked Optimus and Bumblebee, but the two Autobots escaped. After their ship sank into a cave, Starscream revealed his true nature and abandoned them. Every bit a result, the humans concluded neither faction could exist fully trusted. Way to make first contact in that location, Screamer.

Returning to the battle, he lied to his swain Decepticons, challenge that the 2 Autobots were dead and that he'd been unable to communicate with the humans. Blackout, unconvinced past the story, challenged Starscream to single combat. Starscream lost, and the Decepticons launched an attack on the Ark. Unfortunately for Starscream, Optimus, Bumblebee and the human vessel showed up. Starscream, fearful of the information that the ship contained, ordered the Decepticons to destroy it. Unfortunately, Starscream experienced a small-scale mutiny when Bonecrusher and Blackout demanded answers, and even Barricade wanted to know why. As the battle drew to a close, Starscream was in a position to terminate Prime merely came under fire from the humans' weapons. Seriously damaged, Starscream finished them off with a single plasma blast, then ordered the Decepticons to retreat, despite the advantage they had over the Autobots. The Autobots figured that Starscream would non take a chance traveling to Globe for fear of losing power, simply Prime figured that it was only a matter of time before the desire for vengeance and the lure of the All Spark brought the Decepticons to that earth. Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday

Sector 7 Alternate Reality Game

Starscream 1982.jpg

Disguised as an F-fifteen Eagle fighter jet, Starscream was agile on Globe in early 1982, with documented sightings of jets sporting his unique colors on several continents before he was defenseless on camera transforming to robot mode in California. This sighting (and its subsequent leak) was the direct impetus for Hungry Dragon 1.

This seemingly contradicts Starscream's 2003 arrival on Earth in the Prime Directive prequel comic, though it'south possible Starscream merely curtained an earlier visit to Globe because he had no desire for the Decepticons to detect Megatron.

Later, during late April/early on May 2007, Sector Seven intercepted two sound clips through Agent Cod3x and another source (currently unknown). Apparently, Starscream wanted to make his presence known and left a message announcing that he would have the All Spark, and that Amanuensis Powers would be the one to paw information technology over. These letters were somewhat garbled, as they were apparently received over a SETI@home system. So far, only these 2 "blips" take been analyzed (the second still needing work), but more than may come in the almost futurity. Sector Vii (game)

Prime number Directive prequel comic

Starscream in the prequel comic

In 2003, Starscream's infiltration team, consisting of Barricade and Blackout, touched down on Mars and destroyed the Beagle 2 Rover. Starscream was disgusted with the rover, but Blackout and Battlement warned that at that place was an obviously intelligent species nearby, so they would need to be cautious. Starscream agreed, every bit long as they got to kill something. Prime Directive (IDW) issue 3

Splitting upwards, they headed to Earth, where Starscream scanned an F-22 Raptor fighter jet being tested past the US Air Force at Nellis Air Force base of operations. He destroyed it, so adopted the vehicle course for himself. Leaving the scene of destruction, he radioed his beau Decepticons to report in on their hunt for new disguise forms, which they did. He reiterated that their mission was to find the All Spark, to which Coma responded with a reminder that the mission was likewise to find Megatron. Starscream dismissively replied, "Yeah, correct... him as well."

Later, Starscream and Blackout detected the unique radiations of the All Spark and investigated, just Starscream soon realized it was a trap by Sector Vii. Starscream destroyed several AH-64 Apache helicopters while Blackout attacked Sector Vii's bunker and attempted to hack into their mainframe. When the humans severed the connection, the Decepticons broke off from the boxing and linked upwards with Battlement, who was in pursuit of the Autobot Bumblebee. Prime Directive (IDW) issue 4

Transformers Movie Prequel comic

Starscream was leading an assault on the Autobots at Tyger Pax when Blackout arrived to reinforce them. They witnessed the launch of the All Spark into space, and immediately Starscream and Coma began to bicker over their next move. Seeing Megatron get out the planet in pursuit of the All Spark, Starscream decided that so would they.

Many years later, Starscream's squad made planetfall on World in Afghanistan, quickly alluring the attention of a nearby US military base, which sent out an armoured personnel carrier to investigate. After information technology was destroyed, the Decepticons attacked the base itself. During the rather one-sided assault, a human agent of Sector Seven was impressed by the alien invaders' ability to adapt to Earth's finest weaponry. Starscream agreed that they were impressive, and killed the fleshling. Afterwards Blackout left the grouping for another nearby base, Starscream told his fellow Decepticons that their mission wouldn't always exist this piece of cake, as the Autobots were bound to turn up. Planetfall

Transformers (2007 pic)

Voice actor: Charlie Adler (English), Tadashi Miyazawa (Japan), José Sant'anna (Brazil), Axel Lutter (German)

Starscream was lying in wait at a US air base when covert amanuensis Frenzy reported that the All Spark had been located, along with Megatron, underneath Hoover Dam. Though he had long feared this day would come, Starscream ordered the rest of the Decepticons to mobilize. The others responded.

The commencement to go far, Starscream attacked the hydroelectric power plant attached to the dam to paralyse Sector Seven's operations and to speed the thawing of Megatron. With Frenzy'southward sabotage, Megatron speedily broke free of his icy restraints and escaped the facility. He nearly immediately met with Starscream, who pledged his loyalty to Megatron. Enervating to know what had happened to the All Spark, Megatron was told that it was now in the possession of the humans. Furious, Megatron berated his main lieutenant for yet another failure.

During the assault on a nearby city, Starscream tricked Captain Lennox's unit by posing as an F-22 Raptor providing embrace. Starscream launched an attack that crippled Bumblebee as Ironhide realized too late who the fighter actually was. As Sam Witwitwiticky ran with the All Spark, Starscream swooped downwardly, blocking his path, only to exist blocked past both Ironhide and Ratchet. Afterwards fighting without much effort, and beating the slag out of them, Starscream took off over again.

Starscream shooting downward jets.

While Megatron attempted to retrieve the All Spark from Sam, Starscream perched on nearby buildings and shot down thr Ground forces Blackhawk helicopter when it attempted to help the man evacuate the Cube. F-22 Raptors from the U.s. Air Force arrived and Starscream disguised himself. Pretending to exist a part of their squadron, Starscream surprised the homo pilots by transforming in mid-air; performing the best display of Jet judo in 20 years, destroyed three of the Raptors before he was fired upon.

Starscream leaves globe.

Most of the Decepticons were defeated and their bodies bandage into the 2d deepest part of the ocean, the Laurentian Abyss. Ultimately, Starscream returned from World to parts unknown.

Titan Magazines

"You could marker [your letters] 'All Hail Starscream' so long equally you brand information technology clear this is in no fashion a reflection on our glorious leader or a prelude to some sort of coup. Simply and so that we're clear on that."

Inside seconds of Megatron's defeat, Starscream dubbed himself the new Decepticon leader, with the main problem being that he didn't really accept whatsoever troops to lead. To amend this slight impediment, he attacked several of the World machines which had been brought to life by the All Spark's energy and removed the energy from their bodies, which he and then proceeded to implant into the corpses of Blackout, Battlement and Brawl. With his former comrades reanimated in this rudimentary way, he directed the shambling husks to attack the Autobots, who were notwithstanding recovering from their battle that had merely finished. While the Autobots eventually destroyed the zombies, Starscream had escaped with several All Spark free energy fragments all the same in his possession. Transformers Comic issue 7

Starscream on the comic book encompass

In an alternate reality where the Decepticons won at Mission Urban center, Starscream remained on Earth serving under Megatron - and taking orders from Dropkick, who's got a higher rank. In secret, however, he was using Insecticons to implant cerebro-strips in the heads of useful humans; at will, he could command their minds, paving the style for a more than subtle conquest when he finally got Megatron out of the way. Transformers Comic issue 15

He became aware of the moon-based Autobots and while ordered to join Dreadwing in beating up NATO, Transformers Comic issue 9 he got bored during the mission and left as soon every bit he could to attack the moon-based Autobots. Transformers Comic issue 10 He beat them upwards and viciously taunted them, forcing them to take the initiative and go to Globe - but as he wanted. Transformers Comic issue 11 As he hoped, the Autobots eventually won, killing Megatron, destroying the All Spark and halting the cyberforming of Globe... leaving him free to take control of the Decepticons! On superlative of that, he got his hands on the nanovirus the Autobots used on Megatron... Transformers Comic issue 13

One of his first acts as leader was to brainstorm a bombing campaign against whatsoever human attempt to rebuild infrastructure or regain a foothold in the Usa. He then organized an attack that would get all the Autobots together so a NATO tank regiment (its commander under cerebro-strip control) could wipe them all out. Transformers Comic consequence fourteen While this failed, Starscream has still ensured the new President of the United States is under cerebro control - and the Autobots have no idea he'south in command... Transformers Comic result 15

As of issue 7, he runs the messages page (renamed Star Screams from the original Mech Mail). He hates the letters, the readers, the comic, the editorial team, and probably the baby Jesus — but he'southward nonetheless got zero on Armada Starscream's letter-answering stint. He has incredible hate for Jazz, gleefully recounting the guy's horrible death and going berserk at the idea of Jazz answering the messages. In #8, he revealed he hates the movie because he didn't become plenty scenes in it, and is upset not plenty people ship in fan-art of him. In #ix, he revealed he once had an F-15 fashion and liked it - he doesn't care if this makes no canonical sense. In #11, he announced that the mother and aunt of a reader who wrote in complaining she was being told she was besides old for Transformers and have been shortlisted to spend forever polishing his armour with their own spit, bless. He likewise maintains that his vocalisation is not scratchy in any way.

The Reign of Starscream

Starscream causeless the part of Decepticon leader on Earth post-obit Megatron'south defeat. He retrieved his fallen ally Barricade, and headed for Hoover Dam to collect Frenzy. The Reign of Starscream issue i

Starscream made his way to Hoover Dam, taking out masses of man soldiers and a less-than-functional set on drone. Starscream took a human captive forth with Frenzy's torso, simply the fleshling didn't survive the Decepticon's trip to Mars. However, the trip, combined with the damage from the battle took its toll and upon finding the Nemesis, he had to be helped inside by Thundercracker. The pair discussed Thundercracker's progress with the infinite bridge terminal, the physiology of humans and the abilities of Starscream'due south new form. While recharging, he ordered Thundercracker to download the information from Frenzy, withal, an Autobot scouting party interrupted their efforts. The Reign of Starscream issue ii

Starscream ordered Thundercracker and the drones to deal with them while he prepared for take off. After recovering, he made curt work of the Autobots and dragged a damaged Thundercracker within the send, before activating the terminal and warping to Cybertron. He handed Thundercracker over to Ramjet, and ordered construction of a new All Spark, based on Frenzy's data. Approaching Megatron's citadel, Starscream, however impressed by the ability his new grade gave him, destroyed the quondam leader's figurehead. The Reign of Starscream outcome 3

Starscream during another comic

Meanwhile, construction on the new AllSpark continues with the assist of Autobot slaves. Starscream learns that the AllSpark is finished, and heads to the construction site. Starscream executes his plan to tie several Autobots and some Decepticon insubordinates to the new cube to power it. The Reign of Starscream outcome four

Starscream murders the Autobots despite their pleas, and sucks up their free energy. Suddenly, Starscream is betrayed by Dreadwing and Ramjet. While battle ensues among them, the Autobots begin their assault. Starscream pursues Dreadwing, and in the procedure kills Divebomb and brings down a belfry. Dreadwing escapes on the Infinite Bridge, only Starscream follows. The city of Trypticon is destroyed every bit the space bridge collapses. Dreadwing appears on Mars and Starscream sneakily comes backside and kills the traitor. Starscream then sets his sights on World, musing to himself that his kingdom will exist, no affair where. Before leaving, he promotes Thundercracker to commander, leaving him in charge of Cybertron while Starscream is abroad. The Reign of Starscream upshot 5

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Transformers: The Game

Autobot entrada

At the More Meets the Eye level, Starscream contacted Shockwave, but he didn't know that Optimus Prime number would be at that place. Then at Hoover Dam, he sent Blackout to get Megatron and they succeeded. And so at Mission City, Starscream assaulted Jazz. So he called for Coma, who also got his butt kicked. Jazz, having also beaten each of the Dreadwing drones Starscream and Coma had left behind, now fought Starscream and Coma coming together and struggled. Transformers The Game (console)

Decepticon entrada

Starscream coordinated the missions for Blackout and Barricade while hiding in a war machine base of operations. After receiving data from Barricade that Megatron had been located, Starscream ordered him to proceed to Hoover Dam, while he himself went to locate Bonecrusher and Brawl. Notwithstanding, the humans were enlightened of the three Decepticons and used drones, weapon platforms, and fighters based on Cybertronian design. Starscream moved dorsum and along between Bonecrusher and Brawl, rescuing them from human attackers. Starscream then proceeded to Hoover Dam. Blackout informed him that the structure was blocking their scans, so Starscream ordered him to tear it down slice by piece to discover Megatron and the All Spark. When Megatron emerged, Starscream and Coma bowed.

At Mission Urban center, Starscream took a moment to ram Optimus Prime during the latter's duel with Megatron, and tried to go head on with Optimus Prime. After Megatron absorbed the All Spark and Earth was decimated, Starscream stood at his master'south left side. Transformers The Game (console)

Transformers: Decepticons (DS)

Voice role player: Daniel Ross

Subsequently the disappearance of Megatron nearly a meg years ago, Starscream took over the Decepticons as their leader. Arriving on Earth, he instructed Create-A-Bot to follow Battlement until he arrived. He confided in Create-A-Bot a great number of secrets, including the location of the All Spark and the identity of the lost Decepticon they were retrieving: Megatron. Starscream reasoned that he hid these things considering revealing them would atomic number 82 to a ability struggle, but no 1 bought it except the rookie. Once the Autobots returned the All Spark to Repose, he gave chase after a at present-All Spark-empowered Bumblebee, caught the "blathering fool" and destroyed a meddlesome Coma, until Battlement got in the mode.

Afterward threat of execution for treason, Starscream proceeded to show the smaller Decepticon WHY Megatron picked him as his second-in-command: his creature strength and incredible battle strategy. Later on a severe thrashing, Create-A-Bot arrived with intent to impale. Nonetheless, Starscream now had the All Spark and was unstoppable. They proceeded to battle over the Casino Strip, where Create-A-Bot took the All Spark from him and smashed it into his chest. Create-A-Bot was knocked back and severely damaged by the blast, only Starscream remained every bit powerful every bit ever, perhaps more so at present that the All Spark had merged with his body. Transformers Autobots/Decepticons

Note: Starscream's body type is available in two forms, the regular Starscream playable in certain missions (unlocked past beating the game) and Generation 1 Starscream, based on the Target exclusive retooling/redeco. The G1 body is unlocked past earning 2500 WiFi tokens, or by downloading the preview moving-picture show for the game from a Target DS Download Station.

Transformers: The Game (PSP)

Starscream battled Shockwave over the leadership of the Decepticons dorsum on Cybertron. Afterwards, Starscream attacked Hoover Dam to gratuitous Megatron from his "tomb". Transformers The Game (PSP)

Brotherhood prequel comic

In isolation on Mars, Starscream was but finishing mark himself in Cybertronian warrior tattoos when he received Barricade's message buoy detailing the single location of Optimus Prime, Megatron, Wreckage, and the Allspark, a underground Sector 7 base of operations in the Nevada Desert.

Starscream went straight to the location only to find a reanimated Wreckage attacking the humans. Feeling him a traitor for having provided Sector 7 with information, Starscream viciously attacked his former companion. Starscream won, thanks to the timely intervention of Bumblebee, killing Wreckage.

Revenge of the Fallen picture show

Voice thespian: Charlie Adler (English), Antonín Navrátil (Czech)

Starscream warning sam

When Megatron arrives back to the Nemesis, Starscream says that the fallen asked him to make a new army which is his laurels. Displeased, Megatron strangles him and pins him against a wall, where protoforms are existence created, but with far less Energon than desired. Megatron consults with his master, The Fallen, who concludes that he shall rise when the terminal Prime is dead, Starscream returned to say that boy will not escape them equally they has him in their sight and they will notice the matrix of leadership if not the hatchlings will die.

Starscream helps Megatron along with Grindor defeat Optimus.

When Grindor captured Sam, Mikaela and Leo, Starscream sliced open their motorcar and repeatedly spat on them. The boxing ensued outside in a nearby forest, where Starscream attempted to recapture Sam and fight off the Autobots. Starscream fought repeatedly head-on with Optimus Prime. While Optimus was distracted and cornered, Megatron pierced his Spark, killing him. But Autobot reinforcements had arrived and Starscream fired a few shots before flying away.

Megatron pushing the arraign to Starscream

After the forest battle, Starscream and Megatron flew atop a building, Megatron stepped on Starscream'south spark,claiming that Starscream was useless for losing an insect which Megatron himself was killed by.Starscream argues that at that place are amidst 7 billion people on Earth and got freed when he said that the boy could be anywhere and reattaches his arm.A while afterward,Starscream is seen hanging to the rooftop of a building.

Later Soundwave alerted the Decepticons that Sam had been found in Arab republic of egypt, Starscream flew in and detonated an EMP to disable communications. One time Bumblebee, Skids, Mudflap, Sam, Mikaela, Leo and Amanuensis Simmons arrived, he bombarded them with missiles. He also met upwards with Megatron at the top of the pyramid,apologizing for being the bearer of bad news and telling him that the soldiers had brought the body of prime.Sam and Mikaela hid from the barrage amongst some old houses, Starscream landed nearby and fired several missiles while leading several decepticons including long haul and ravage to find sam.He eventually found them and flushed them out due to sam killing an insecticon.They attempted to escape just Starscream fired several missiles which could accept easily killed them,yet they managed to survive miraculously. He then circled the NEST base, calling to Binge to jump the trap they had baited with Sam'southward parents.When a protoform that resembles bonecrusher and several others killed arcee,chromia and possibly elita,Starscream was firing shots in the background too.Starscream was also seen leading several protoforms to fire shots at the army of humans and autobots.

When the Fallen and Megatron engaged Optimus in their final battle, Starscream managed to evade all shots from the autobots and the soldiers which was a given for him. When Optimus hits Megatron in the face, desperately wounding him, and after Megatron calls out frailiy to Starscream, they lookout as Optimus kills the Fallen. Starscream says to his leader, "Not to telephone call you a coward, principal, simply, sometimes cowards do survive." They then flew away

Starscream giving golden advice to Megatron.

Revenge of the Fallen (franchise)

Revenge of the Fallen: The Game

Voice actor: Charlie Adler (English language)

  • He is available in a Generation One color scheme, and his original G1 self is downloadable as a secret character.
  • Starscream'south primary weapon is a powerful Gatling Cannon, and his secondary weapons are Lock-on Missiles, which can be fired on up to three targets at once. Starscream'south vehicle mode is an F-22 Raptor fighter jet, and his special ability, the "Goose egg Reactor", slows downward enemies that are hit past his weapons - a reference to the original Starscream's Null-ray.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Autobots (DS)

Starscream first appeared when Optimus Prime had located the newly arrived protoform in Sao Paul, Brazil. the air warrior attempted to become the Protoform to join the Deceptiocns, but the Cybertronian was already an Autobot. Starscream was distracted by Optimus and a fight ensued, allowing the protoform to escape and scan a class. Starscream is later found in Rome, Italy, giving instructions to drones about obtaining information from the NEST data vehicles, then flies off.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Decepticons (DS)

The story began with Starscream arriving in Sao Paul, Brazil. He eliminates several N.E.Due south.T. UAVs, and then meets up with Grindor and Sideways. Subsequently being alerted that a high energon radiation signature has been detected, Starscream heads to the crash site, finding a Decepticon protoform, whom he orders to stand downwardly. Optimus Prime soon arrives to claim the protoform just it is besides late. Starscream battles with Optimus to allow the protoform to escape. Starscream later attacks an oil rig in the Atlantic, successfully demolishing it with the help of Grindor.

After Create-a-bot plants a tracking device on a N.E.S.T. chopper in Siberia, Starscream arrives to finish the base. Starscream then helps destroy N.E.Southward.T. defenses in a Chinese airdrome to let Create-a-bot to annihilate whatever reinforcements.

Later, Starscream destroys much of the Deep-6 Carrier fleet in the Indian Bounding main to allow the Physician and the rookie to revive Megatron. Starscream then serves as Create-a-bot'southward liaison to assistance secure a Mexico city and it's communications, destroy Area 51, re-establish contact with a Decepticon communications base of operations in Arabia, finish off military hardware in South Africa, and demolish a military machine base in the Sahara desert.

When the Fallen arrives at Cairo, Egypt, to oversee the re-activation of the Star harvester, he is impressed with Create-a-bot's efforts, and betrays Megatron when he fails to destroy Optimus Prime, whereas the rookie did not. Starscream laughs at Megatron's expense, proclaiming himself equally the new Decepticon leader.

Dark of the Moon film

Voice actor: Charlie Adler (English), Tadashi Miyazawa (Japanese)

Starscream meets with Megatron, Soundwave and Laserbeak in Africa and compliments Megatron on his on-going recovery from his injuries from his last battle with Optimus. At the National Mall, Starscream proceeds knowledge about Megatron'due south program with Scout Prime and Megatron explains how he and Picket made a deal and were supposed to meet up on World earlier they were both waylaid. Megatron and Starscream lookout man as the Decepticon invasion force arrives through the infinite span.


When the Autobots are forced to leave Earth, Starscream watches the launch of the Xantium from the upper atmosphere. He transforms and swoops down to the planet, he fires missiles at the ship, destroying it. He believes that he has killed the Autobots.

During the battle in Chicago, Starscream transforms from his jet style and attacks the NEST Osperys and destroys many of them, killing several NEST soldiers. He later take a few potshots, separating Sam Witicky and Carly Spencer from the troops and ambushes them, glad to have the take a chance to come across and kill Sam. Starscream flips the bus over powerfully with one arm and they enter the bus. Starscream slices the bus with his strong buzz-saw.

Starscream then taunts Sam for running abroad using his insect's instinct,with him hither to scare the hell out of him. He and then prove his acrimony towards Sam by spitting on him and bangs against the omnibus repeatedly to scare Carly. Sam shoots a grapple grappling claw into his right optic(which should not exist then accurate), causing Starsream to fly around, dragging Sam with him.

Starscream attempted to remove the hook by banging his own head on the footing and trying to fly on top of a building, only his boosters were malfunctioning. NEST go along to assail Starscream, although Starscream managed to shoot, the soldiers were surprisingly able to evade his shots,they shot him continuously, causing him to panic and turn effectually,allowing Sam to jump onto his shoulders and jam a boomstick into his other optic, rendering Starscream totally blind.

Starscream was forced to kneel downwards and bang his head on the floor repeatedly, he and so tried to boot Sam and Lennox to no avail and somehow managed to wing on pinnacle of a edifice allowing Lennox to cut Sam gratuitous and the boomstick detonates impale him instantly. Dark of the Moon

Age of Extinction motion picture

5 years after the Battle of Chicago, Starscream was listed as "deceased" by the CIA taskforce "Cemetery Wind". Age of Extinction

The Last Knight film

Starscream's caput was among a number of items peddled by Daytrader to the Autobot forces. The Autobots were unamused. During the Deception raid on the Autobot "base", Megatron plant Starscream's head and lamented that his treacherous friend could not witness the cease of the war. The Final Knight

Dark of the Moon video game

Voice actor: Steve Blum Starscream offset appears in chapter 3 when he knocks Mirage off from the bridge and injures him severely. Starscream as well appears in affiliate 5 when he is ordered by Megatron to fly to a surreptitious NEST facility in the snowy ravine of Nepal to impale Stratosphere, the Aerialbots and their avant-garde technology MechTech


Transformers (2007)

  • Starscream (Legends Form, 2007)

The 2007 film Starscream toy

Legends-form Starscream is a highly simplified, low-toll version of Starscream in his F-22 Raptor body. Every bit such, he has a greatly compromised transformation sequence due to the smaller parts count, with limited articulation and detailing. He'southward also the bronzest F-22 Raptor Starscream toy at that place is.
  • Battle for the Allspark (Toys'R'Us exclusive multi-pack, 2007)

The Toyrs r usa exclusive starscream

A Toys R Us exclusive, this 6-pack of Legends form figures contains unmodified toys of Optimus Prime, Jazz, Bumblebee, Megatron, Starscream and Barricade.
  • Nightwatch Optimus Prime vs. Stealth Starscream (Legends Allspark Battles two-pack, 2008)
The previously released Legends-course Starscream toy is redecoed predominantly blackness and silvery, somewhat resembling Generation Ane Skywarp. He comes with a redeco Legends-class Optimus Prime number in his Nightwatch colour scheme.
  • Protoform Starscream (Deluxe, 2007)
Japanese ID number: Doc-05

A protoform Starscream

    • Accessories: Gun with missile and flame attachment
Based upon the "Protoform" (Cybertronian) appearances of the Transformers in the movie, Protoform Starscream transforms into his "entry" mode Cybertronian rocket matter. This mode somewhat resembles a Cybertronian spaceship, with a visible bridge between the two dorsal fins. A flame decoration piece fits onto the back of the "vehicle" over the missile projectile, creating the illusion of a flaming comet's tail . The bottom of the vehicle has small wheels to roll the toy across smooth surfaces.
In robot mode, Starscream marginally resembles previous Starscreams, generally G1 Starscream, with the big turbines on his chest, wings and vents on his legs. Due to his extensive use of brawl joints, he has splendid joint. Starscream is armed with a spring-loaded missile launcher that fires the previously mentioned projectile bandage in the same bronze colour every bit his torso. Alternatively, the flame decoration can be fitted onto the end of the butt.
This toy too has an Automorphing feature, as virtually of the figures in the main line practise. Pushing his head back during transformation will movement his shoulder pieces back into identify, while moving the shoulders frontwards will make the caput popular back up. While either the missile or the flame can be placed into the gun, the flame can exist placed onto the missile, using both at one time. However, in some cases, the flame does not have a snug fit on the missile and falls off easily. This makes firing the missile rather bad-mannered and makes the gun look extremely goofy.
It'south also entirely possible that this figure will somewhen endure from GPS, as the bronze plastic it is cast in has the same characteristic swirling exhibited by older figures that chop-chop deteriorated. However, newer materials and processes may prevent the toy from always seeing a single crack form. It is highly suggested that this toy not exist painted or altered in any way to maximize its lifespan.
  • Protoform Starscream Fusion Cluster Edition (C3xHobby Convention sectional Palatial, Japan 2007)
    • Accessories: Gun with missile and flame attachment
An extensive redeco of the Protoform Starscream mold that was exclusively available at the Japanese C3xHobby Convention in August of 2007, and later on offered by east-Hobby in express quantities. Almost of the body is made out of transparent orange plastic, while orange and yellow paint are used on the forepart of the "entry" way, mimicking the heat effects of sudden atmospheric entry. The flame attachment is made out of clear blue plastic, with the tail finish beingness covered in gold pigment.

A voyager class Starscream based off the 2007 film

  • Starscream (Voyager, 2007)
    • Japanese ID number: MD-08
    • Accessories: Half-dozen missiles
The Voyager-class version of Movie Starscream transforms into an officially-licensed Lockheed-Martin F-22 Raptor fighter jet, albeit in beige.
Pushing the fighter along a shine surface causes the missile-launching barrels to rotate and burn down their projectiles, which can also exist stored in the black flip-upward braces on the launchers. During transformation, pushing up upon the awning fuselage piece activates Starscream'south Automorphing gimmick, which pushes panels out of the torso, wings and stabilizers. In robot mode, Starscream is mostly true-blue to his movie CGI model, except for being bulkier around his chest, lacking engines on his back and having the very big Gatling cannons serve as his artillery (a facsimile of his much slenderer weapons from the movie). Interestingly, his projectile missiles are sculpted to resemble fingers, should users cull proceed them loaded while Starscream is in robot mode, which is most impossible because of the hair-trigger on the launchers. An interesting note is Swindle's (or Camshaft's) easily, when detached, brand a snug fit in between the iii primary cannons. Continue, try it yourself, yes, nosotros'll await...
This toy was later retooled and redecoed into Movie Thundercracker, and, as Wal-Mart Revenge of the Fallen exclusives, Ramjet and Skywarp.
  • Boxing damage three-pack (Sam's Lodge sectional three-pack, 2007)
A three-pack, exclusive to Sam's Lodge stores, consisting of redecos of Voyager Class Optimus Prime and Deluxe Class Arcee, both with a boxing damage deco, and an unchanged Voyager Class Starscream.
  • Starscream (Target exclusive Voyager-sized toy, 2007)
    • Accessories: Six missiles

A Starscream Target exclusive that has the G1 paintjob

An all-encompassing redeco of Voyager grade Starscream available only as a Target sectional, this version is redecoed in a color scheme based upon Generation One Starscream. This version of Starscream shares the retooled version of this mold with Picture Thundercracker, giving Starscream a new, vaguely G1-ish head sculpt. The packaging for this toy explains that Starscream contradistinct his appearance following his escape at the end of the movie in society to avoid detection. This is maybe a prepare-upwardly for the yet-to-be-made sequel. As well, G1 Starscream is an unlockable form for Create-A-Bot in Transformers: Decepticons and an unlockable peel in the Ps2 version.
  • Starscream Vardia Crimson Model (Toshiba exclusive Voyager-sized toy, 2007)
    • Accessories: Half dozen missiles

A Toshiba sectional pink Starscream based off of the 2007 movie.

In a joint venture past Paramount Abode Entertainment Japan and electronics giant Toshiba, Starscream Vardia Blood-red Model is an exclusive redeco of Voyager Starscream merely available with Toshiba'southward new Vardia RD-A301 HD DVD recorder. The package also comes with an Hard disk-DVD re-create of Transformers, 5 HD DVD-R and v DVD-R discs.
Starscream Vardia Ruby Model is extremely carmine, with some gilded, a little black and Toshiba Vardia markings on his hull. With the player expected to cost only nether 100,000 yen, this may be the nearly expensive Transformers exclusive to be released in relatively big quantities.
This one also makes him look incredibly immaculate. What Decepticon would be pink?!
  • Deep Space Starscream (Target exclusive "Premium Serial" Voyager, 2008)
A Target exclusive, Deep Space Starscream is a redeco of the showtime version of Voyager class Starscream, based upon the colours used by Industrial Light and Magic on Starscream'due south CGI model (instead of the totally made upward and inaccurate tan colouring on the previous release). Every bit such he is metallic silver with complementary greys in fighter mode, including the 'First Fighter' (FF) squadron markings indicating he is an F-22 Raptor from Langley Air Force Base. In robot mode reveals gold paint within his chest detailing and red for circuitry detailing. Oddly, his eyes are painted blood-red, but the rest of the low-cal pipe that makes up the back of his caput is left uncolored, making the glowing center outcome no longer work while STILL retaining the miscolored bronzed drinking glass color that the clear plastic was molded in, though the paint is adequately piece of cake to remove.
Deep Space Starscream is presented in 'Premium Octagonal' packaging very similar to Robo-Vision Optimus Prime. Even though Hasbro officially considers him equally office of the Premium Series, this is not indicated anywhere on the packaging.
  • Battle Bract Starscream (Fast Activeness Battler, 2007)
Japanese ID number: QC-02

Battle Blade Starscream

Fast Action Battlers "Battle Bract" Starscream transforms into a somewhat superdeformed F-22 Raptor, simplifying the overall design to the point of his anxiety noticeably sticking out the aft of the fighter, and has a truncated transformation sequence reminiscent of by Transformers such as Generation Ane Jetfire and Cybertron Thundercracker. Rather than having a dissever weapon, he just has a claw-similar blade that flips over the correct hand (hence "Battle Blade") and non-removable missiles in the palms of his hands.
This toy was later redecoed as Claw Slash Ramjet.
At that place is a Korean fake of this toy going effectually, under the name of "Latent Spider". Fortunately no existent spiders have been found latent inside the toy.

Revenge of the Fallen

  • Starscream (Legends, 2009)
A repaint of the 2007 Legends-class Starscream effigy, his colours now more closely resembling his movie appearance. His cockpit is painted blue, he has Cybertronian marks on his wings and he is painted a much lighter shade of statuary.
  • Starscream (Voyager, 2009)

Voyager course Starscream, 2009

A completely new mold, this Starscream has thus far been received far better than the previous version. His jet way features less robot on the bottom, and comes with two missiles that clip underneath his wings. His humanoid style, which has hands, and has launchers that launch the missiles. His Mech-Alive gimmick is, like his original Moving picture toy, in his breast. In social club to actuate it, you move his head. The missiles rest above the hands, slightly resembling his trademark zippo-rays. He is a flake smaller than the 2007 voyager. The pigment used for the tattoos is known to take the same problem as the paint on Transformers Animated Soundwave'southward back, it is known to rub, scratch or smudge off over time, near notably on the caput.
  • Nebular Starscream (Voyager, 2010)
Nebular Starscream is a redeco of Voyager Starscream in a metallic-maroon sort of colour with the Cybetronian tattoos in metallic aqua.
  • Starscream (Leader, 2010)

A 2010 Leader-form Starscream

A larger and fifty-fifty more accurate Starscream. Features a removable very film accurate vi rocket launcher that can be clipped onto either hand equally seen in the movie and a lot of lights and sounds. In addition to the rockets, he has a spring loaded auto gun on his correct wrist, as seen in the movie, and a spring loaded missile launcher on his left wrist, also seen in the picture. He is about the size of Leader ROTF Optimus Prime and a tad bit larger than ROTF Leader Megatron. This figure is considered to be the best version of Starscream that has come up from the motion picture line.

Dark of the Moon

  • Starscream (Deluxe, 2011)
A downsized version of Moving-picture show-verse Starscream, he turns into an F-22 Raptor, with tattoos. He comes with 2 MechTech weapons that feature a gun on one end and a blade on the other, which can combine to form a dual-pointed spear.
  • Starscream (Voyager, 2011)
A larger and more movie-accurate version of Starscream, which includes twin wrist-mounted blasters. He has a red cockpit and silvery tattoos rather than the yellow cockpit and black tattoos of the Deluxe-sized Dark of the Moon Starscream toy. It is sectional to the website in theory, although it has been spotted in some Target stores. This Starscream is a repaint of the Voyager grade Starscream from the Revenge of the Fallen toyline.
  • Starscream / Orbital Assault Carrier (Cyberverse Action Prepare, 2011)


Robot Heroes

  • Armored Bumblebee vs. Starscream (2007)

The Robot hero's Starscream

Robot Heroes Starscream is sculpted in a crouching pose, perchance inspired by his landing when talking to Megatron in the pic. He has the standard Robot Heroes articulation of both shoulders and his neck, still the pre-posed nature means his right arms is really more useful as a back up than a usable articulation. Notably, he has a red Decepticon insignia, um, okay then!

  • Bumblebee vs. Starscream (2008)

Another Robot hero's Starscream

This version of Starscream is almost a prelude to the previous one, as he'due south now sculpted in a touching down pose equally opposed to a full land. Similar the previous mold, information technology has articulation at the shoulders and neck. Unfortunately, the left arm is lifted directly out to side, allowing him to rotate the arm just not pose it. This version also has a ruddy Decepticon symbol. not again!

  • Starscream Barrel Roll Blaster (2007)
This version of Starscream'southward altmode turns into not a robot, but a robot fist holding a 2-barreled equalizer. The guns in this form fire Nerf North-Strike-sized foam missiles.
  • Lunchables "Pocket Transformers" toy prize (2007)

Pocket Transformers Starscream

Costless inside particularly marked boxes of Oscar Meyer Lunchables, Starscream is i of half dozen "Pocket Transformers" toy prizes. Molded in dark-green, his tablet unfolds to reveal a picture show of his robot mode inside.
The Lunchables website lawmaking engraved on his back is "MISLEAD."
  • Starscream Micro Flyer (2007)
  • Starscream Burger King costless toy (2007)
A not-transformable version of Starscream, bandage primarily in chalk-grey plastic. It can rotate its arms at the shoulder. The toy's main gimmick, though, is the wheel in his breast. Striking the wheel causes it to advance to the next slot, revealing harm to Starscream's torso. A second tap reveals even more damage. Despite being a gratuitous pack-in toy, the figure is surprisingly well molded, having well defined head parts and the twin afterburners on his dorsum that even the Voyager version lacks. It even has six fingers (or rather, four fingers and two thumbs) on each hand!


Starscream chases downwardly Stratosphere.

  • The card back of Protoform Starscream'south packaging features him with a completely different, earlier head sculpt. What's more, this head design is featured on his protoform body in IDW's movie prequel comics.
  • He is the first Starscream whose decease scene was used in an official advertising commercial (the Chevy vehicle commercial for Nighttime of the Moon). His death scene was even seen in the trailers for Dark of the Moon.
  • Starscream maybe shows a trait of cowardice by when he unremarkably does not fight Autobots but instead rather attacking man soldiers. These include in the 1st film where he kills off a helicopter and an F-22 and in the 3rd film where he attacks the Ospreys and Sam Witwicky.
  • Starscream may not play a large function in the live-action movies like the cartoons, but he plays a major office in online computer games Victory is Sweetness and Starscream Showdown. Both games have Starscream fighting Optimus as the finale of the game.
  • His protoform was not the merely design to go a new head. The earliest concepts of Starscream's head were more skull-like and oblong in shape. This was, of course, redesigned to wait more "like a samurai helmet." Dissimilar the redesigned head of Megatron, Starscream'southward before face just shows upward in ONE piece of media: the book Wait and Find Transformers.
  • Starscream seems to be able to fly while out of his jet form, using the F-22'southward engines on his back. Whether this is his bodily robot form or a form between his robot and jet forms isn't known, though it appears the latter is true, as seen when he attacks the other F-22s (run into picture above). Nevertheless, in the sequel, after telling Megatron that cowards survive, he uses his "jetpack" to fly abroad, while in humanoid manner.
    • It is possible that he simply extends the thrusters away from his body and so that he doesn't burn himself. He is seen able to reach escape velocity so information technology is definitely possible for him to propel his torso when not in vehicle mode.
  • Starscream had more screen time in Dark of the Moon than in the first two films. The longest scene was where he tried to attack Sam only ended up getting killed past him.
    • On-screen in the offset film, Starscream has simply ane brusque conversation with Megatron and a total screen fourth dimension of less than ii minutes. Even so, during those ten minutes, he blows up a power found, blasts Bumblebee'due south legs off, pounds the slag out of Ratchet and Ironhide, blows up a helicopter, AND takes on a squadron of F-22's. Information technology'due south similar he KNEW he wasn't going to get much screen time...
  • It has been suggested that, following his assault on the F-22 squadron over the city, Starscream was able to hide among the survivors and have function in the assail on Megatron, shortly thereafter. This theory is speculative; while it fits the character of the G1 Starscream from the '80s, there is nothing actually on the screen to suggest information technology (except for the fact Starscream is nowhere to be seen following the strike and is after seen leaving Earth'due south temper). (Roberto Orci was asked, simply refused to give a definite answer.)[1] In The Reign of Starscream the offset issue reveals that during the battle, he was highly tempted to burn down on him, but that kid beat him to it before he could fire. Whether this will be retconned is unknown.
  • The Sector Seven online ARG used the "Masterpiece" version of Generation One Starscream to correspond the "real" Starscream who had infiltrated Globe. A lot of Generation One cameos were made in this way. Make of that what you will.
  • Fifty-fifty though Starscream has only two lines of dialogue in the first flick, José Sant'anna, who played the G1 graphic symbol in the Brazilian dub of the original cartoon, was re-cast to play the function in the pic. Still, his vocalisation was so heavily modulated that only someone with a really good ear could recognize him. Go figure.
  • Speaking of 2 dialogues, virtually of his lines are Cybertronian and in vehicle way at the same time. He begins his role with speaking Cybertronian and ends information technology with proverb some other Cybertronian line that isn't subtitled. That's all he got to say.
  • In the game Transformers: Decepticons for the DS, when Megatron defeats Starscream, he says "Y'all are guilty of the one almost unforgivable crime. FAILURE!". This is the same line Gobulus said to Cobra Commander simply before Golobulus turned Cobra Commander into a serpent in the moving-picture show G.I. Joe: The Picture show.
  • Megatron stomps on his groin in Revenge of the Fallen when they wing to the helipad in New York (which is really shot in Los Angeles). He besides gets hit with HIS OWN ARM.
  • Probably the simply Starscream who is actually competent enough to be a adept Decepticon leader — perchance even a ameliorate one than Megatron. (Let'south face up it, the crushing defeats the Decepticons suffered at the terminate of each movie didn't happen on Screamer'due south watch.) Later all, he did take charge during the countless centuries while Megatron was absent-minded and the two years he was expressionless. He as well appears to care more about the lives of his troops, evident in the moving-picture show comics, where he looks on with disbelief as Megatron pursues the Allspark as the other Decepticons fall in boxing. Not to mention that he seems to grasp a couple of essential concepts that Megatron does not, such equally the tactical retreat and the art of strategy beyond blind assailment.
  • For some reason, only Michael Bay knows, Starscream at present has tribal tattoos. Co-ordinate to the voyager class Revenge of the Fallen toy, Starscream got his tattoos from Cybertron considering of the wars he won. However, that doesn't actually assist the whole "robots in disguise" thing. Information technology is as well possible that due to Starscream's new task of tending the hatchlings on the Nemesis, he didn't need to worry about disguising himself. Other sources propose that the tattoos are the Cybertronian symbols of revenge, which Starscream was supposed to wage on Revenge of the Fallen, but never did.[ October, 2009 ]
  • He is the but Decepticon having fought in the beginning ii wars and to survive the beginning two live-action films. Barricade survived the start motion-picture show merely never showed up again in Revenge of the Fallen but did return in Nighttime of the Moon. He did say, sometimes, cowards "Practice" survive.
    • He does non, however, survive in "Nighttime of the Moon"
  • Hasbro mentions that his curvation-enemy is Megatron. Whuh?
  • His rivalry with Megatron was never shown in the three films, with the only hint for his want of leadership was pathetic excuses for leaving him behind expressionless on Globe in Revenge of the Fallen.
  • Starscream apparently hates Lookout man Prime number considering he replaced Megatron every bit the leader of the Decepticons. Instead of waiting for Lookout man Prime to be attacked so he can kill him, Starscream was interested in capturing Sam Witwicky, who no longer served any purpose in the war in Night of the Moon.
  • In the second film, Starscream's voice seems to be higher, more sniveling than in the previous picture show, probably to sound more like his Generation 1 counterpart. In an unusual twist, the Revenge of the Fallen game has him using the original phonation.
    • Starscream's different voice in the second film sounds nearly identical to that used by his vox player, Charlie Adler, for Cobra Commander in G.I. Joe: Resolute and M.I. Joe Renegades, likely equally a homage to the Decepticon Air Commander and the leader of Cobra having the same phonation.
  • Starscream has two additional forms in Revenge of the Fallen game: Generation One Starscream is downloadable just on the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game; Starscream in Generation One color is but unlockable on the Xbox 360,PS3 and PC versions of the game. He is playable in all versions of the game, along with Megatron and Sideways. In the PS3, XBox360, and PC versions, he has to destroy a museum (The museum Sam Witwicky entered to bring Jetfire dorsum to life).
  • In the PS2 and WII versions of Revenge of the Fallen, he frees Megatron from the Laurentian Abyss to not disappoint the Fallen, and wounds Bumblebee and Jetfire.
  • He was the only Decepticon who was able to go extremely close to killing Sam Witwicky in all 3 films.
    • In the showtime movie, he jumped onto the ground where Sam was which caused numerous cars to fly into the air.
    • In Revenge of the Fallen, he was the one who cutting upward the car Sam was trapped in and close plenty to spit on him. Also, he was almost shut to killing Sam during the woods battle.
    • In Dark of the Moon, after showing upward near a bus where Sam and Carly were, Sam Witwicky climbed on top of Starscream and stabbed his eyes before giving the final accident to Starscream'southward dignity.
  • Starscream seemed to accept a neat dislike of, possibly a mild obsession, with Sam Witwicky for some unknown reason.
    • In Revenge of the Fallen, he growled and spit at him upon coming together him for the get-go time, and said "Come here, boy" with a menacing low tone while pursuing him in the forest.
    • In Dark of the Moon, he gleefully chased him and Carly when he could've focused on wiping out Epps' team, stating with pleasure "What a treat! You lot and me, alone!", taunting Sam all the while and calling him "boy" in the same condescending tone. This ultimately led the least dignified death in the history of The Transformers at Sam's hands when he pushed Sam into boxing with him.
    • Starscream'south fixation on Sam might stem from his failure to kill Megatron permanently; sure, the kid killed him, but he didn't stay dead, fifty-fifty though this was non his error; he could but be projecting his anger on Sam.
  • Why didn't Starscream just take the All Spark from Sam when he had the chance?
    • Probably he actually was going to simply was attacked by Ironhide and Ratchet, or he wouldn't dare let Megatron decide to kill him for doing and then.
  • He obviously didn't learn from Megatron's commencement decease at Sam's hands about how dangerous Sam tin can be when backed into a corner and he, for some reason, apparently wasn't grateful for Sam killing Megatron the first time given his hatred of the human (despite him doing Starscream a favor).
  • When Starscream'due south lifeless body falls of a building, you can see that his arm was blown off by the explosion that killed him. This is the same arm that Optimus Prime cut off in the wood boxing in Revenge of the Fallen.
  • Total On-screen Transformations: 13
  • In Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon, he seems to be a fleck of a coward and Sam Witwicky was able to kill him, even so in the beginning film he battles Ironhide and Rachet head on, desperately dissentious them both.
  • In his death scene in Dark of the Moon, why didn't he just cutting the grapple-glove line with his saw-bract?
  • Equally with Megatron, Starsreams death has as well caused discontent amid the fans. Many retrieve that Starscream being brought downward past Sam is fitting, given their relationship in the trilogy. Nonetheless, most take been outraged that it was a human being who killed him instead of an Autobot. Main reasons are because Starscream has been most neglected in the whole trilogy, most people aren't too fond of Sam'south character and some are just GEEWUNers.
  • It seems possible that the Transformer seen on Mars in the first movie is Starscream, fifty-fifty if the Transformer had a dissimilar body-shape, Because the sound heard in the background was the same dissonance Starscream emits while walking.


  1. Roberto Orci refusing to comment on the possibility of Starscream attacking Megatron during the final battle

External links

  • Starscream at


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