If God Removes Someone Will He Bring Him Back and Remove Him Again Quickly

Romans sixteen:17-xviii

Here are iii signs that mean God is telling you to remove someone from your life.

1. If God Clearly Removed This Person from Your Life in the Past, But This Person Keeps Trying to Push Themselves Back in, This Is a Sign God Wants Yous to Stop This Vicious Cycle

I common experience that people have is that they pray and pray for clarity about a relationship they are confused nearly, and then God answers their prayer by clearly removing this person from their life. Perhaps God exposes some lies then you lot feel released to breakdown. Mayhap this person merely comes to you one twenty-four hours and says they no longer want to be with you. While yous are hurt, you also experience relief because this was clearly an respond to your prayers. Or maybe you finally just go the clarity to see that this person is verbally and emotionally abusive and you break upwardly and move on.

Withal, what oftentimes happens next creates a vicious cycle that tin can causes years of wasted time. What occurs is that months go by, you are doing really well, only then this person contacts you and sounds different. You heed to their apology or you mind to the new tone in their phonation, and you brainstorm to wonder if things might really exist dissimilar this time.

While it is possible that someone has turned to the Lord and matured, what ordinarily happens is that things speedily pickup right where you left off. If you left this person because of their bad beliefs, you finish upwardly realizing nothing has actually changed and then you lot leave again. Or if they left you lot considering they said they didn't like you enough, they end upward leaving y'all once more because they realize their feelings are actually the same equally last time.

Sadly, a few months laissez passer and and then this whole crazy cycle starts all over once more. For some people, information technology takes 5 or vi cycles to finally realize this has to stop for expert. But all this wasted time can be avoided. If God answered your prayer the first time and took this person out of your life, but then this person keeps coming back, God is probably asking you to keep the door closed.

So if y'all proceed getting "setback" every fourth dimension you dabble with this person, it'south fourth dimension to take command and slam that door shut and then y'all can truly movement on with the Lord. End answering their calls. Stop responding to the texts. Stop checking their social media profile. Don't let them keep you stuck.

Yous will never experience the blessings God has for you if you keep holding onto what he has already removed from your life.

2. If You Keep Hoping God Changes Them but Their Actions Clearly State They Don't Want to Be Inverse, It'south Time to Remove Them From Your Life

This one tin be hard as Christians because conspicuously we should want the best for anybody. Nosotros don't desire to be judgmental and we want to be used past God to help other people. While this is very expert and loving to experience this way, many Christians ignore the other Scriptures that instruct the states not to associate with people who are resistant to the truth and are only dragging us downwardly. For example:

Matthew 7:6, "Do non give dogs what is holy, and practice not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you lot."

Matthew x:fourteen, "And if anyone will not receive yous or heed to your words, milkshake off the dust from your anxiety when you go out that house or town."

James 4:4, "You cheating people! Exercise you not know that friendship with the earth is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God."

So we have to heed God's instructions on both sides. We must love the lost like God does. He sent his one and just son to save the world (John 3:sixteen) and desires that his disciples get out and brand more disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). But God does not want us to put other people above our walk with him.

Maybe the nigh common example of a scenario similar this is when two people are dating and 1 person is trying to follow God simply the other person really isn't. Eventually, if the person who wants to serve God stays in this human relationship, they volition get worn down and start to sin with their beau or girlfriend.

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Don't stay in a relationship because y'all are hoping God will modify this person. If this person is choosing to ignore God, God will let them to brand their own pick. Now yous have to make your choice every bit well. Will yous put this relationship above God or will you remove this person from your life like God is asking y'all to do?

When someone refuses to receive the truth, when they continue to live in sin, and when their behavior is actually outset to pull you down too, this is a sign God is telling you it'south time to permit this person go.

three. If This Person Is Constantly Battling Your Beliefs with Fake Doctrines and Lies, Information technology's Fourth dimension to Remove Them from Your Life

There's a time and identify for two people to share their opposing beliefs. God does not call his people to be isolationists. Yeah, we must not exist unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:xiv), but God calls his people to exist a low-cal to the world (Matthew 5:14-16). This is why 2 Timothy ii:24-26 states:

And the Lord'due south servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, afterwards being captured by him to do his will."

So we must not ignore the Bible verses like this one where we are called to engage people who accept different beliefs than us. But notice that Paul told Timothy not to argue. When someone wants to debate or when someone refuses to accept the truth fifty-fifty though y'all've explained it as conspicuously and gently every bit possible, so it is time to remove this person from your life. Notice what Paul also said in Romans 16:17-18. It states:

I appeal to you, brothers, to picket out for those who crusade divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that yous have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, merely their ain appetites, and by polish talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive."

Your intentions may be good, just God does not call you to endlessly engage in theological debates with people who merely are rejecting God's truth. If you are dating someone, for example, who seemed to be a Christian but and so afterwards on all they do is challenge your Christian beliefs with their own doubts, this is not the ingredients of a salubrious dating relationship that leads to a healthy wedlock.

So whether it be your friends, family, or anyone else, if this person is constantly challenging you and putting you downwards because of your Christian beliefs that they do not hold, somewhen you have to put your ain heart first (Proverbs 4:23) and remove this person from your life.


Source: https://applygodsword.com/3-signs-god-is-telling-you-to-remove-someone-from-your-life/

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